Sending unit float?

So finally pulled the sending unit from the tank and tested it. whlile manually moving the float up and down the guage works. I put the float in a bucket of water and it floats, when i reinstalled everything it is still showing empty.

I presume the problem is i need a new float, my question is can I put replace float with a cork? or is that bad? none of the local autoparts stores carry it. Has anyone tried that, I think it will work, let me konw your thoughts.

If your float wasn't heavy or obviously filled with gas and you stated it floats in water, you probably don't have a problem with it.

Not knowing any other details I would suspect a bad ground, you probably gave it a good ground when you tested it but you need to make sure your ground strap is working properly. If your fuel line has been spliced with a rubber line you wouldn't have a good ground in that case. Try running a ground wire from the sending unit to the chassis first and proceed from there, always start from the source and work it thru.

As for cork, cars used them for decades but that doesn't sound like your problem at this point.

Good luck!