victim of a hit and run

so I just got out of a local bar/resturant and find one my rear quater got sideswiped while I was in eatting my chillidogs:spiderma:. no note, nothing. now I gotta spend my sunday repairing it before it rains since they scrapped down to the metal. SOOO pissed. sorry had to vent#-o

Go back to the scene of the crime.:read2:
Check parking lot for exterior security cameras.
If it was close to a store front check with the stores to see if they have camera angles the would see what had happened. Also check other businesses in area, across street, and check for stop light cameras close by too.

Put an ad in the paper for information leading to the person who left the scene. Someone might have seen as they were driving by. Put reward given in ad but don't mention ammount. Post flyers in the area with rip off tabs with your phone number, and pic of your car. You know..."WANTED" "REWARD GIVEN"... You'd be suprised what can turn up.

Give a time and date and the security personell and the cops will take a look at it with you, then let the fun begin!!!:cheers:

It's not very often anymore where you are in a parking area that has no cameras on you. Big brother is watching, he may have went to get coffee though when it was hit though, thats why you have to do some of the foot work.
Also look at your car closely for paint residue and keep an eye peeled for a car that color cruzing around or parked at a body shop. Also it's pretty obvious that car frequents that lot at that time of day and probibly does so every week or so.

Years ago, my boss had this happen to him on the street in front of his house. He bet me lunch anywhere I wanted if I could find the hit & run artist.
I searched out front and found 3 bezel parts I peiced together from parts not from his car. They were GM and only on 2 models. The color was from a chip chart a year newer than bezels available. (so he had his car painted a newer color before hitting my bosses car.) Now I knew what make, year, model, and custom color car I was lookinf for. A few days later it was parked in front of a local body shop we passed on lunch one day. I started laughing and yelling he owed me steak lunch now! He didn't believe it was the car. I dialed 911 and the cops found out it was the car!!!
It was driven by a high school girl late on a friday night, she side swipped and went home and told parents it was like that when she came out to parking lot. The bezel and paint chips the cops had made her break down on the spot and admit to everything!!! LMAO!!!:cheers:

Good Luck, I hope you find who did it. I know i would not rest till I found who did it. Remember, the longer you wait, the more time they have to fix their car!!!:clock: