A must see...anyone for a ride?

He's insane, stupid, and careless. And no matter how good he thinks he is, it will catch up with him if he keeps riding like this. Sadly, it reflects badly on all motorcycle riders, and makes it harder for all of us to ride. It only takes a couple of bad experiences with careless riders to make normal people want to get rid of all riders. This leads to BS legislation to infringe on rider's rights, higher insurance rates, and general ill will toward riders. Unfortunately, all kinds of morons will see this video, think its "cool", and try and do the same thing.

Gee, I wish someone would intentionally attempt to cause you serious bodily harm while on you're way to work too. :angry7: Can you be a little more ignorant please?

I hate people that do this too, because it causes crap exactly like what you said. But wishing someone would intentionally do something to harm this jackass is just as bad as what he's doing in the first place, if not worse.

Some a-hole did exactly that to my g/f while she was lane splitting up to a stop light in traffic. Lane splitting is perfectly legal in CA, I might add, when done at safe speeds (in this case, probably less than 10 mph). Damaged her boot, and nearly caused her to crash. He could easily have caused her significant injury, or caused her to be hit by another driver. She wasn't causing any problems, wasn't endangering anyone, and was perfectly within her rights here in Cali.

Lane splitting (also called filtering in Europe, where it is also legal in most places and even encouraged in some), has no effect on car drivers if its done safely. Obviously "safe" has nothing to do with this video. But I split lanes at all traffic lights when there's more than one lane. It protects me from getting rear ended when some careless cage driver doesn't see me and plows me into the car in front of me, something that has happened to several people I know. It also gets me out of traffic, and out of the way. And yet, even splitting lanes in traffic at 5 mph, I run into careless morons that somehow think that I'm doing them some grave injustice because I'm now ahead of them. I'm not slowing anyone down, and as long as I'm doing it safely, it has no effect on them. And yet I have had people intentionally try to open doors in front of me or swerve into me. Not unsafe lane changes or people not paying attention, but actually trying to do me physical harm. Its BS.
I totally agree, I ride a Scooter 250cc and have the same feelings, I also feel the same way when someone says they can "street race" in a "safe" part of town, that is also B.S., that is why we have drag strips. enough said.....