AAR Hood - 72 Duster

Decided to take a peek at the page and there's still activity with my post, how cool !

Hey local-brother raypom65:
Your story of the Indy 416 brings shivers! I for-one don't have the time or money for anything to go sideways with this engine (re)build of mine... so I've been extra-anal. I'll also be losing my job in the next few months, SO that makes this even more critical. Tom's Performance out here in Orchards has been very insightful/helpful during my build. The engine has been assembled and sleeping on the stand for over a month now waiting until I'm finished with the engine compartment (paint/wires...etc). The deeper I go...geez... now I'm looking at pulling the steering column (bearings feel GONE). I've decided to take the engine to Tom's for break-in & dyno tuning in his mule-car. At least that'll be one item off my list and ready to just drop-in...whew. Anyway... yes indeed, we should tie-up some time, I just need to figure out where you've hidden a phone number in the site, ha, ha....

Demon Seed: Thx VERY much for the insight on the center spoke of the scoop. I'll follow your advice, and re-inforce it. Nice look'n ride you have there too!

Gotta run. Thx all.
Old Country :wave: