Hack me please so I can catch you

I have over thirty years in the IT sector including time doing a lot of network and O.S. security and at one time had the distinction of building a UNIX based server environment that was tested by the (former) AT&T Bell labs folks and found to be secure during a 24 security audit. Here is a couple of things I have learned throughout the years:

1. Any system that is connected to a network is susceptible to being breached.

2. The only secure system is one that has no network attachments and controlled access to the console.

3. There is always someone out there smarter than you. Most crackers are dweebs that only try stuff that is published by other folks. The few that are innovative and come up with new things will usually be good enough to not leave any fingerprints and will edit, not wipe the logs.

4. The best gunfighters never go looking for a fight...

5. People that have time to write cracks are worthless idiots who, if really smart, would be working a real job making real money and not trying to live up their imaginary legend status...