Prostate Cancer

My dad just had his PSA level checked starting about a year ago, and while it wasn't all that high - I think it was a level 4, all of his biopsies (SP?) came back as positive for cancer in the Prostate, but nothing surrounding it. From what his doctor said, if the doctor did the surgery himself and cut around the nerves, my dad would have the ability to get an erection after the surgery, but the recovery time is longer. If the robot does the surgery, it basically cuts in a circle around the Prostate and takes everything with it - including the nerve, so no erection any longer. My dad went the surgery route instead of doing radiation, but ended doing the radiation anyway because the test's after the surgery showed the robot didn't get as much of a margin around the prostrate of "good" cells as the doctor would have liked.
My mom is just glad to have him around for a while longer. I'm kinda dreading this myself as my dad's dad = Grandpa also had prostate cancer also, so it's in my genes! I'm getting close to 40 myself and my wife is already bugging me about getting mine checked starting at 40.

Hope this helps everyone - let me know if you know I got something wrong...