Milestone in my life

I had a milestone in my life today but first let me tell you the story.

Growing up I wasnt the best kid to be around. In and out of JV doing stupid **** I shouldnt have been doing. But I didnt learn there. It continued into my adult life and I seemed to find new ways to end up in jail on more occsions then I can count. Mean while racking up fines I never could pay. People say you do things to get attention but really it was just the jackass coming out. I took to drinking right away which lead to the life i was choosing at the time. Most nights you could find me sitting at the bar stool after work knowing the fight was going to start at home. I had my first child at 19. The second came along when I was 21. I wasnt always the greatest father but I ALWAYS paid my child support. We lived together for a few years and but it was hell. I seemed to blame everyone else for my problems except myself. I bounced around from job to job and at times lived in the back of my SUV. After my kids mom and I finally split up which we were off and on for about 7 years. This women walked into my life. Nothing like anyone I had ever dated. It was one of them that was just too good to be true. Someone I needed but probably didnt deserve. We are now married and have a child of our own. Been married 3 years and the other 2 children come every other weekend.

But the milestone in my life was when I wrote the last check made out to the Iowa Department of Revenue paying off every fine I ever owed. I dont have so much as a parking ticket on my record now. Made me realize how far Ive come in just a few short years.

I needed to share that. Im sure there are some that can relate.