Prostate Cancer

I hit 40 this year. I saw my doc yesterday with just a normal visit (diabetes) but the doc never mentions things like this.

We're men here so lay it on the line.... lol

Exactly how is the digital test performed? If anything I will know what to look forward to and want have any surprises.

After the prostate is removed does your "man hood" go with it? No more nuky?? The reason I ask is my friend had his removed and he was a pitiful thing after that. I didn't want to ask exactly what they did because he wasn't taking so well.

The Dr will tell you to drop your drawers, turn around and bend over. They use their finger to check your prostate, it's located near where the sun don't shine! LOl It is uncomfortable but doesn't take long.

I had the regular surgery done, I have about a 6 inch scar. I heal fast so that wasn't a problem. They spared the nerves (Doc said whatever abilities I walked into his office with I would keep) and he was right. I still have a little stress incontinance and it gets worse if I drink coffee or alcohol. But, I am getting better week by week. Junior will be a little slow for a while but it will come back if they don't touch the nerves.

Thats why you MUST get the test once a year, find it before it gets into the nerves and surrounding tissue. Sex will be a little different..shooting blanks! Open surgery will take a little longer to heal but it's not as bad as having your appendix out (been there too) so if your test is positive get it taken care of by a good Dr and move on with your life..