Charger to race in NASCAR

I know I have brought this up before, But I have done alot of reading and snooping and here is what I have read, Found and been told.

Dodge along with Evernham Motorsports will campaine A Dodge Charger in 2005, The Charger is based on the Magnum chassis and will be on the track one month before you can buy one at a dealer.
NASCAR is still testing the cars and has not at this time given there thumbs up.

(note that I said based on the Magnum chassis, This does not mean it will look like a magnum)

The Charger will be a sedan and as, If not more areodynamic then the brand X cars. This will mark the return of the Charger to NASCAR since 1974.
6-10 cars are built a day and are shipped tucked away inside trucks to be kept hidden from public eyes. 20 plus people have been fired or have jailed for taking pictures of these cars.

Also Everham Motorsports and Penske Racing are pushing NASCAR to allow the return of the HEMI in NASCAR. Stating that the HEMI motor is more widely used in todays market then in the 60's and should be allowed back in NASCAR.
Evernham Motorsports has done some testing with a HEMI in hopes it will be allowed back.

The car I am talking about is the concept car from the late 90's, I know there are pictures out there that people say this is the new Charger. I think this is incorrect, What I believe they have found is the "Nwe" Dodge Enforcer sedan.
To many reports that I have seen tell me the car is areodynamic as the brand X cars, If this is the case then the "Enforcer is not the car you will see at Daytona in 2005.
The late 90's concept Charger is shaped like a bullit and looks to be a good replacement for the Intrepid in NASCAR.

Mind you, I am only going on what i have taken weeks to hunt for and compiled the info till now.
Yes I am a big NASCAR fan, Allways have been. But when Dodge came back into the sport in 2001 i jumped for joy. I would not go around spreading rumors if I didnt believe this to be dead on to what will happen.
I know some of this info has been published already, but I found all this about the time they were prolly printing it. I have hunted down alot of pictures and read alot of news on this. This is just what I beleive will happen.

BONUS : Limited Edition 2005 Dodge Daytona Chargers will be made and used as the pace car for the 2005 Daytona 500.

Now.....If we can just get that #9 in the winners Circle :scratch: