power steering lines

Hardware store, no. Your choices are:

Legit parts store if they still show application. Many replacement hoses come "in pieces" to cut down on stock, that is, the catalogue will should and end metal piece, which screws to a hose, which screws to another metal end, etc.

These pieces may NOT look original, but "may" fit

Second choice is a big hydraulic hose place. Some of these joints have some of the same stuff mentioned first, and can often cut off and use your original metal ends if they are OK.

Third choice is the 'ol boneyard, junker, wherever you find it.

On hoses with good metal ends, we used to cut off the metal, and Weatherhead used to make clamp on (compression fitting) hose ends for the purpose.

Many pumps/ boxes, especially newer ones, tend to use stupid idiotic proprietary ends