Dougs Headers at a Great Price!

Lets see, buy direct and pay $130 more than you can through a distributor...

Guys have bought the coated ones through summit for $519 delivered. Try that math! (don't forget shipping cost)

Let me explain something for you. Manufacturers usually sell at list price to protect the distribution channels. If Petronix sold the headers for $550 or less at WD prices, and sold them to some dealers/distributors for the same, why would a distributor take on the cost for no profit. Now some big dealers get a good break on list like Wholesale Distributor or better usually in the 30%+ range. They can price them where ever they feel they can make a buck between cost and list, unless you have a price fixing situation like what tti does.

Buying direct in this case is not the smartest thing to do because there are other vendors of the product selling for less.