Help stop the "clicking"...

Interesting; new one on me. Haven't run into this and (to my knowledge) neither has anyone else who's bought one of these switches. Doesn't mean I don't believe you or anything like that, I'm just baffled what's up —*quality of these switches is very high and consistent; I haven't seen sloppy moulding or anything like that. You are quite sure everything went back in the correct order and the switch is fully seated?

Everyone seems to love these switches, so it would be a surprise if the switch itself is the issue. As far as I can tell, it all went back like it came out. I reseated the switch three times now, and it seems to be sitting flat. That metal tab on the backside of the steering whell is making contact with the top turn signal tab on the switch (only when turning left. Where's Columbo when you need him?