' reserve not met'

This is not just about carmakers anymore. It's about production, period.......of everything. Raw materials need to STOP being exported from the North American continent. We have all the tools, the know-how, the resources and the money to be fully self sufficient. We need to start the manufacturing and production plants and jobs here on the North American continent like we had here 40-50 years ago. If wealthy corps do not re-invest their earnings here at home where they earned them, then tax the be-jesus out of them until they do. Nobody else on this planet cares about us. If we do not start to care about ourselves then we deserve what we end up with. I feel so sorry for my children, because this mess is not even going to get fixed in their lifetime let alone mine. There are so many problems from social issues (lack of, or too many) , to unproductive self interest groups, criminal activities, unbalanced wealth issues, insurance scams supposed global warming (propaganda), governments gone amok, crooked politician (oxymoron), frigging lawyers, health and medical issues, poor schools, crumbling infrastructure, poor paying jobs, gross corporate profiteering, immigration issues, and the list could go on for days and days, it's sickening...............
Lech Walensa (sp?) was only one man, but he galvanized a whole country into action............