Off the what???

I bought the Dart as a fairly complete roller, with lots of loose parts, but I'm pretty darn sure it doesn't go back together in the order that I took it apart. So my question is, what methodology do you use? Where do you start and (list anyone?) what order do you reassemble a car in. So far I've got the headliner in and a couple of pieces of trim in place. I'm wondering if I'm just out thinking myself or should I just steam ahead and put pieces when and where I please. I saved every nut, bolt, screw, clip and fastener that came off that thing and I can't stand re-using that old crap, so as a consequence every time I go to put something on I want new fasteners, so then I have to wait for them to come. I pretty confident there really is no wrong way, as long as there is forward progress, but what I am fearful of is having to take something apart a second time because I did not think it through.
Any recommendations on an order of progress?