drug poll cuz the other thread wont work..

Even if I had partaken of any illicit substance, I would never admit it. Case in point, a recently graduated summa cum laude(with highest honors) lawyer had landed a six figure job in S. Florida. Her employer googled her and discovered that she had posted on a social network site about the joys of illegal drug use. She is now flippin burgers at McD.
Anything posted on the net is available for anyone to find. Big brother is always watching, years ago when the indoor cultivation thing was booming, the government set up a dummy light company so that anyone who placed an order immediately went on a "list". That doesn't sound so bad but if during a flyover of your property by the gov with a FLIR(forward leading infared sensor) shows a concentrated heat source(from the lights) you are suspect and they will use things like the odor of marijuana was detected by the meter reader or the canine officer who was looking for a problem dog or excessive electric consumption beyond what u normally use. Even ordering things like poppy seeds for the somniferum opium poppy will get your name on a list. The seeds are not illegal to posess but the minute you slice a pod on a mature plant to harvest the latex you have committed a conspiracy to manufacture a drug.
I have known too many people who have lost everything to the use of drugs. For me, I am helping my son understand the destructive effects of drug use and my advice to him is DON'T EVEN START PERIOD>