Am i crazy?

Trust me on this. Unless you want a mail-order camaro, or mustang, buy something newer, or buy something someone else has already done the work on, any resto is going to be just as tough. Just keep your head on, fix what you have to, when you have to. Don't go nuts and yank the (running?) engine before you have a replacement and have thought it all out ahead of time. Of all the cars I have had, most were my daily drivers at one time or another. Just don't bite off too much at once and you'll love the car even more. the last thing you want is to start an improvement only to find out in the middle of it that the new part is too rare or too expensive and have to park it for an undetermined amount of time. Take it slow and it'll still be around when you have more time, money and experience. You may even be able to work it into some of your classes - Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.