SPAM thread

That scrapple thread got me thinking about SPAM. Love it or hate it, it is a force of nature. It now comes in many different flavors - tobasco, maple, turkey. It's a delecacy in Hawii and the Phillipenes. They even sell "collector's" retro tins.

What's your favorite recipe? I like it sliced thin and fried with eggs.

How do you get the rest of the family to enjoy this exotic treat? I tell them it is something else (enjoying your prime rib, Honey? Tender, huh?)

What is that nasty clear jelly it is packed in?

How much can possibly be left over when they process a pig to make "normal" meats?
My grocery store sells pg tail, pig ears even complete pig FACE!! Not to mention chiterlins. What could possibly be left over for the SPAM people to use?