
I love it! Pan fried in butter til crispy, I eat it with ketcup or maple syrup depends on the scrapple. I used to know alot of people that made it but have lost contact with most, now I have to buy the commercial grade which is not as good as some of the home made I've had. I have a guy that does some work for me that brings me home saurkraut though....
You got it GT! Crispy so you can pick it up and eat it.
We have an Amish store here that carries Groffs. Theres deffenitally a difference.

Does it taste anything like liverwurst?

It taste like nothing else that I have had. I do like liverworst though, sliced thin with some onions on white toast.=P~

I think it is called souse meat down here? Kind of a mystery, but I think they somehow actually use the squeel. I like it on something sweet, like a cookie or honey bun, especially the spicy stuff. It comes sliced like lunchmeat and I think (hope) you can eat it as is (it doesn't come with instructions) when you try to fry it, if the pan is not hot enough it will disolve into liquid with disturbingly identifiable pieces floating in it, yeah, I'm the only one I know who eats it.
Syrup is good on it 4flats.=P~
It is probable made most places that farm pigs I would guess. Just the meal additives differ. This stuff you could eat without cooking but I wount. You have to leave this alone while cooking untill it browns on one side or you have a mess.