Dang! Another freaking kidney stone

Aw, fer crumb's sake. Sorry to read it. I get them too—calcium oxalate ones, the most common kind. See here for my tale of woe. After the most recent one in '08, they sent me to a dietitician who explained exactly what is going on: oxalates will bind with calcium. If there's calcium in what I'm eating with the oxalates, they'll bind in my gut and be eliminated, no problem. If there's insufficient calcium in what I'm eating, the oxalates will bind with calcium in the kidney and cause stones. So cut oxalates to a minimum: no more tea (herbal is ok), no more spinach or rhubarb or other dark green leafies (chard, watercress, etc — anything cabbage-related is fine, tho, as are crucifers and other vegetables), cut peanuts and tree nuts to a minimum, be reasonable with the amount of chocolate I eat, and eat or drink dairy or take a calcium tablet just before eating any green vegetables (they all contain oxalates). So far so good (knock wood).