a little ad etiquette II,pointers to being a better potential buyer

since it has already been pointed out that ads need to be written better,how about some pointers to being a better,albeit,potential buyer.
most sellers on here and abroad,generally include a phone number,or e-mail to accept pics of potential trades,to be used by serious buyers. that said,lets break down a few things......
if there is a phone number in the ad,and you post on the ad with questions,or asking for a lower price,or e-mail with questions,etc. we automatically know you are a tire kicker,do not have the money to spend,and conviently have your computer to hide behind. you are wasting everyones time doing this,so,in the future,think before doing so.

tire-kickers in general. if a person has a vehicle or something for sale,lets say,for $5000.00. if you are a serious buyer,then you really shouldn't even bothering contacting the seller,unless you actually have the $5000 at your disposal. then if you and the buyer work out a different price,at least you actually had the money on hand to buy. if you are looking at that $5000.00 vehicle,and you know that you only have $500 to spend,don't bother the seller with a world of questions,then tell them you will be there tomorrow to buy/pickup, and then never show. besides,after talking with these types (and you know who you are) we already know the tire kicker you are within a few minutes of the conversation,so,again,stop wasting everyones time.

no show jones'. these are the folks,who call,ask right off the bat,without asking a single question about the part or vehicle,what is the bottom dollar you will take,you tell them,and immediately ask for your address,and tell you they are on the way right now to buy,or be there this time tomorrow,blah,blah,blah,then fall off the earth. again,if you have no money,no means of having it,and are not absolutely serious,don't bother wasting all this time.

for those out there that participate in these games, your wife,girlfriend,mother,grandmother,etc,already know you are a liar,and full of BS,but,they have learned to love you that way. the rest of us really don't care or want to.
if i have an item for sale,and you just have some questions about it,just because you want to learn something,or trying to gain knowledge,then i will gladly chew the fat with you all day long. for all the rest of the aforementioned tire-kickers,daydreamers,and wishers,save yourself,and the rest of us,alot of wasted time,and stay hidden behind your computer,before you reveal to the rest of the world who you really are.

think about these things,and maybe,they will make you a better potential buyer.