Anyone interested in a "Secret Santa"?

Thanks for the support guys. I just got a PM from my Secret Santa telling me he's going to send me what he's already received from his Secret Santa.
[JR - please send me a PM of my new Secret Santa so I'll know who to thank]
Just for the record, I never intended to make a big deal out of this. I only PM'd the info to jrlegacy23 since he originated the Secret Santa and I wanted him to know that I wouldn't be posting any pics of what I received and why. I don't have any intention of flaming anybody on this forum over this.
I fully understand being tapped out, especially during the Holidays. It could happen to any of us.
This hasn't soured me on the FABO Secret Santa - in fact I'm looking forward to it next year!
Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year to everyone here!