Dang! Another freaking kidney stone

I've been fighting kidney stones (calcium) as well for about 10 years. My last one was 5mm. It sucked!!

Here's a remedy for ya, in addition to drinking lots of water, cutting back on leafy greens and animal protiens, and never taking antacids:

Drink full strength fresh-squeezed lemon juice (as much as you can handle) in the morning. Make sure to brush your teeth afterwards - the lemon can eat away your enamel. During the day, drink as much water as possible and squeeze one lemon into each glass. When you feel a stone coming on, drink a shot of olive oil (yeah it's disgusting, but it helps the stone pass quicker).

Citric acid from lemon juice breaks down the calcuim stone. I've been consuming lots of lemons for the past several months and my kidney stones are a thing of the past. In July I had a CT scan and it showed I had an 8mm stone in my kidney. My CT scan last week shows nothing. :cheers:

Also, taking a magnesium supplement is helpful to prevent calcuim stones.

Good luck!!
