a little ad etiquette II,pointers to being a better potential buyer

I know what you mean....have dealt with dealings like that many times in the past.

I have even had to go through it a few times recently right here on fabo.

I offer up stickers to the folks here on fabo at a big discount compared to what I would locally and compared to what alot of other companies would charge.

a couple of times now, I have had people here on fabo contact me wanting to buy stickers and letting me know they have an idea that they would like me to turn into a sticker. I spend my free time I could be spending with my family designing an image for someone that they want as a sticker......and PM'ing back and forth for hours at a time...sometimes days at a time.

then after I send them the image and they say that they loved it. then they say that they don't have the money....one guy said " oh I seen your work and thought it was cool and wanted to see what you could make of my idea" (after multiple PM's of making it sound asthough he had plans to buy and what not).

another guy first agreed to pay with paypal and then when it came down to brass tax he said he would have to send a money order and then I heard nothing from him or received nothing from him.

I just can't stand that stuff. you know, for the most part... I offer my design time for free because it helps get people interested and shows possibilities and I have fun with it (most of the time lol)...and I have no problem doing it for those who are seriously interested or if I think it might get the word out a little bit.....BUT I can't stand the people who aid in wasting my time when they know all the while that they can not afford it or whatever the case may be and they just choose not to mention it until after I have came up with a design for them and sent it to them......then they get to keep the images free of charge and use as backgrounds on there computer or whatever the case may be.

I don't know ,sorry for the rant lol...but I see what you mean.

some people out there just don't think crap through before taking actions.....their desires out think the reality and they act on what they want without thinking about what they have.