Why cars rust

67Dart273 THIS is simply not true.

Actually the first sentence was about growing up and it is true whether the northwest or the northeast as it just depends if its city or country life as its just growing up

Granted most all California and Arizona cars last longer and I lived in California and worked in Arizona, but this post wasn't about that, it was in regards to what can be done to prevent rust and how one takes care of their car from day one.
Not everywhere in NY do they used salt on the roads and ever since I could remember as I lived in a population of less then a hundred persons right outside of Albany by 20 miles and within a couple miles from Lebanon Valley dragway, I've seen farm implements and older cars and trucks last as long as the farmer who owned them. Most persons take for granted that NYr's all live in the city and I know this because I live in southern Oregon and hear it every day. Living here is a love hate relationship because of what I put up with but in reality reminds me of home. There are only a couple differences between NY and Oregon, one is the education and I'm sure there's gotta be another but I can't place my hand on it at the moment, what I think is is though is having six thousand chuches for six hundred people. I've lived in or traveled most of this country because of what I've done for a living and can assure you I have seen and pinstriped cars that looked factory which were driven and not stored during the winter yet persons who owned then have taken precautionary ways to prevent rust.

As I read here on FABO, I see lots of rusted cars being restored for all over this country including Canada and from what I first said, this could have been prevented just like my Signet as it too was a NY car for the first 20 or so years.

I been living out here for fifteen years and have with me two cars I brought with me from NY both are rust free and the motorhome I drove here was also and made of steel. I sold it sometime ago and it was a 1972 Cortez front wheel drive, monocoque constructed motor home which cruised flawlessly even though it had a 455 Olds engine.

Anyway, there's my life story and if you don't believe there is a solution to the rust problem, then I'll be thankful that Thomas Edison wasn't born and raised in the Northwest or we'd all be lighting our homes with gas lamps