Why cars rust

if you don't believe there is a solution to the rust problem, then I'll be thankful that Thomas Edison wasn't born and raised in the Northwest or we'd all be lighting our homes with gas lamps

You sure seem to be able to infer things that were not meant, said, or implied.

My comment was as I thought you meant it--you were talking about rusting cars, and so was I, not "growing up in general."

I never said there was NOT a solution

What I SAID was my perceptions as to how things WERE

I can STILL remember JUST AFTER I bought my 70 sixpack RR--a car that had been bought from Oregon and spent it's short life to that point in CA----the car was only a couple of years old, and one morning I left the barracks early at Miramar to see what turned out to be---a 70 Satellite from the E--New York or New Jersey--and against the rising sun I could see LIGHT completely through the quarters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!! WHY !!!! Because this 2 year old (or less) car had holes completely rusted through the sides of the rear quarters INTO THE TRUNK and the SUN was shining in one side AND OUT THE OTHER.

I also remember helping a nice young gal tune up her 70? Chivvy Vega, and we were ready to shut the hood. "Wait" says she, "I need to get my special tools." Out from the back she comes with 4 huge cheap "bin" screwdrivers. The car was already starting to rust, and the fenders were "falling inwards!!!!! You had to shut the hood some, then jam the 4 drivers in the slot to wedge the hood between the fenders!!!