And the seller/loser is yellow68runner

So I posted a thread yesterday about a seller that has screwed me due to him not honoring my shipping instructions.....they were nothing too in depth, just simply ship via USPS. Here is the link

I sent him a couple pm's and finally rec'd one this morning. He is telling me that I am $hit out of luck. Everytime he mentions the shipping, its his "shipper" so WTF does that mean?? This is a business for him and he has hired a shipper?? Point is that apparently UPS was the cheapest way. Really?? How could they be the cheapest way?? So Joe Basile aka yellow68runner you are a true testament to Darwins theory of evolution, but somehow your genes stopped at the dungbeetle stage!!:thebirdm: You know/knew what the right thing to do is/was but you refused to because you would lose money!! You didnt/dont care about the parts cuz you got your $$ and thats what this is about for you....$$$$ You are an a-hole!! Thanks for nothing, $192 down the drain:bootysha: