TheJohnnyGuy's 71 Scamp Apartment Resto.

Comin right along there Johnny. You're jumpin right in and gettin your feet wet. That's the only way to learn, instead of scratchin your head and wonderin. Way to go. I might add to that if I were you, I would clean all those wires off (a mild cleaner like Simple Green) and reharness them with some good heavy duty electrical tape. Not only will it make it look much neater, but it will also help keep the wires from rubbing on somethin and possibly causin a fire. That would suck. Lastly, in most states, the exhaust must be run past the passenger compartment. In other words, out the back or the side. Dumped at the rear axle ain't just illegal, it's dangerous. That can fill the passenger compartment with carbon monoxide. And that's somethin else that would suck.