We have censorship

Ladies & Gentlemen....this is America, therefore YOU ARE FREE to say anything you like anywhere you select to say it....HOWEVER like every freedom there are consequences....
example: a traffic cop pulls you over and approaches your car, you have the right to call him a EFFIN PIG and no one can stop your mouth but you....IN response he has the right to exercise the available consequences afforded to police officers and arrest your overzealous vociferous self for just about anything he can dream up!

Likewise here on FABO...NO one can stop you from exhibiting your crass ignorance and typing foul language and name calling and the like...you are FREE to do that publically....and the Moderators are free to react to that by exercising their authority and prerogative to erase your graffiti and BAN you for different lengths of time depending on the severity of your antics!

THAT IS FREEDOM IN THE USA MY FRIENDS.....no ifs ands or doubts about it!!

IF for one instant you hold the false belief that you are free to do and say whatever you like without consequence anywhere in the world, including the united states, I have a very valuable and rare container of relative bearing grease that you will definitely need going forward with your delusional life. And for the paltry sum of 12 thousand dollars I will allow you to purchase it from me as I have no need for such things albeit rare and valuable that it is.

FOR the record....I have gone toe to toe with a MOD ( in fact the same MOD) and it has gone a goodly amount, however I do not resort to name calling or foulmouthed beratement and to his CREDIT I was not banned! Realizing that "common sense" is not as "common" as all may think....I have not seen the level of arbitrary accused and therefore am left to say.... you may have taken a quantum leap past the line.....take a step back and think....would you have said the same to your own family? perhaps your MOM? and if the answer is no....it may just be a justifiable spankin...fret not! you have been given time to cool down, you have not been asked to leave the site.
Take advantage of the family atmosphere, cool off and return with a more positive outlook
my 2 centavos