Stupid winter storm is destroying my paint... advice please

Not even gonna get into the whole story about this. Because of the ridiculous wind we've had since the storm started yesterday, there are four spots where metal to metal contact has rubbed through the paint on my car. They are on the passenger side, each spot is about the size of a tennis ball. The paint is gone down to bare metal. I can't even do anything about it right now because there is still a blizzard and now the car is snowed in. I'll be lucky if I can dig it out tomorrow.

First, what do I do to prevent rust and save my car?

Then, what do I do to repaint it without it looking like crap? I can not afford to take this to somebody, or to paint the whole side of the car (much less the entire car). Some of the paint is original, some is not, I don't know for sure right now whether the spots that got rubbed through were original paint or not.