Insulation help for my garage with pics

Thanks Dorian and Joethedog!
Dorian, I shoulda waited to tape!! Dang!! I had a roll of the tuck tape and 3/4 done already. Oh well. Good idea though, I still may use the silver foil, but $$ pending. I couldnt believe the "silverboard" was $30 for a 4x8 sheet 1 1/2" thick. So $120 already spent on the overhead door!! Jeez!!

Joe, are you saying that if I completely fill the hole in the angled part of the rafters and vapor barrier the bottom side of the angled truss that there wont be any moisture? I always thought you had to have a gap with ventilation between the insulation and the "outisde"??

Whats your input as to doing what the guy from "garage journal" said? Basically making a t-bar ceiling with 1"x4" and dropping in rigid board?? If I went this route I was thinking of cheaping out with the 3/4" silverboard as its $12 for a 4x8 sheet.

Thanks for the responses and looking forward to more!