Gas prices

Gator, while we're thanking our president, would it be fair to thank all the republicans who have been on the accepting end of the oil lobbyists along with those who actually speak for those companies or does that hit too close to home?

I personally don't care what prices are as much as I care what the gasoline is like. Right now its 10% ethanol and according to the EPA or whoever the heck runs this crap, says that 15% is on its way during 2011, isn't that wonderful and it has nothing what so ever to do with Obama but I'm sure some asswipe will come up with a formula that he can run through some Christian disaster relief fund where it was that Obama has us paying for Rodney King's past drug busts through the gasoline taxes and all that extra money is paying for a new Mosque next door to your favorite elementary school :)

Its $3.03 here in Mass...........lets keep in on topic huh!!!