Deep Question.

Well, some of this has been interesting insight. Interesting or not, it is much appreciated. Being ignorant (I still am) scares the living hell out of me. Keep it coming guys.

Question 1: How old are you?
17 since you've forggotten.

I do not think we know much about the world at all, but I bet you know more about your self than you think. And -what is your age?
I diagree, we as a whole know alot about the world around us, ALOT. But, if you had a way to look at everything we don't know about the world around us, that which we do would pail in comparison.

One way to learn more about yourself is to ask someone who has known you for a long time, such as a sibling or a close friend. You may be surprised by what you hear, surprised in a good way.
Interesting you should say that, I have a friend that is also really big on introspection, like myself. I told her one day, something along the lines of "It's interesting how we know more about our friends than we know about ourselves, and visa versa." I've already tried what you suggested, all I found is that they give good insight on the part of me they know. I already know plenty about the part of me others know, it's the part that only I know that truly confuses me.

Socrates said something to the effect of "I now know that I know nothing." You're better off knowing more than you think you know, as opposed to walking around thinking you know everything.
Oh how I hate Socrates, he followed me throughout my entire High School career, which is almost over now :bootysha::toothy10:. The funny thing is, this is my favorite saying of his. I follow it most all the time.

What I do know about myself is that I am what I am:happy10: and what I don't know about myself is what I will learn 8)
The world is a deferent story:clock:, It changes faster then I grow in knowledge :angry7:
Up dates and understanding them are why I can't keep up:angry7:
Because I am always learning about my self and the people around me... I learn something everyday :cheers:

My 2 cents worth of thought :happy10:
Knowing that I am what I am isn't enough for me, it leaves out a whole world of understanding what's inside. I came to the realization that it's hard to understand the world around you without understanding what's inside yourself. I find it funny say that about learning something each day, my dad used to always tell me I should learn something new each day, I've lived my life by that. I agree, the world changes quickly, I still remember the morning I woke up after a long night of debauchery and spending $$$ out the ***, I turned on the news so I could find out the economy (and the world tied to it) went to hell in a handbag whilst I was getting busy last night. That was a quick change, especially for my wallet.:toothy10: