OBD2/Diagnostic scanner...Matco or Snap On???

For what you'd pay for the Snap On, you could get seperate generic tools to do everything at a fraction of the cost. Why spend into oblivion on a brand name? Also keep this in mind. Airbag lights coming into a regular repair shop are a rarity. Body shops handle most of those because that's when the airbag usually goes off or gives problems. As a result of or after a collision. Not 100% of the time, but you won't see many. If you just want an airbag reset tool, they can be had under 100 bucks. Lastly, as far as "86-93" goes, forget it. I wouldn't work on anything without OBDII as far as diagnostic work. Who in their right mind is gonna pay diagnostic fees on a OBDI automobile? Most of them are in junkyards. It's up to you, but if it was my choice, I'd go cheap and upgrade if I needed to. I made a good livin on the side years ago workin on GM OBDI cars and trucks and never used a scantool. Because the ALDL plug can be jumped and put into self diagnostic mode and give you the codes. I never found one I couldn't fix, and I did that several years.