Difference between 360,340 and 318

I hear this nonsense--and nonsense is exactly what it is, about how a 340 "revs easier."

Horsepower and torque are just that--and an engine that develops more HP at lower RPM is better off, all other things being equal. Secondly, "revs easier" is pretty much limited by the heads and valve train--and it turns out that nowadays there are a lot better heads than could be had for the 340 "when built."

What I'm trying to say, is, if an engine puts out 2 hp, it's not going to "rev easier" no matter what the stroke is--it's the load on the engine---gearing and weight of the car--that determines "how fast" the damn thing revs, not the stroke.

To put it another way, if you could build a 340 and a 360 with absolutely identical output, they would both "rev the same" and in the same car with the same gearing, would be turning EXACTLY the same RPM at the end of the 1/4

Now don't get me wrong--there ARE advantages and disadvantages to different bore/ stroke combinations TO PRODUCE POWER. People like Jenkins proved that a long time ago. Nobody had ever heard of a "383 Chivvy" until Grumpy came up with it.

I guess to boil this all down, what I'm saying is, forget RPM and concentrate on the power you can produce. The only reason to try to get power out of a little bitty engine is IF YOU HAVE CLASS RESTRICTIONS, or are limited by budget, the 'ol "run whut ya brung."