Any mbarrassing stories with your mopar ? haha

You guys are going to laugh at me for this, but here goes anyway.
I was never a big fan of watching drag racing. But when several of my buddies and I decided to run our cars for test and tune night at the local drag strip, I figured taking my 340-S fastback 68 down the track would be a blast. For my very first run, I ended up lining up against a buddy in his twelve cylinder BMW 850i coupe (he left his 340 Barracuda fastback home that day). Neither one of us had ever drag raced before.
So, I lined up in the left lane and looked to my right to watch my buddy line up at the light. Well, I was still looking at him as the lights flashed down the Christmas tree. I missed it. But my buddy didn't move off the line either. I don't know what I was thinking. I had never done this before. I think for moment I thought they would re-start the light.
Anyway, the crowd started yelling "Go! Green means go!" So, I took off and had a fairly decent time and had no trouble beating the BMW. If it weren't for that six second long reaction time it would have been a respectable run. Sometimes six seconds can seem like an eternity. I was glad my friend's wife forgot to take the lens cap off the video camera.
Later, I asked my buddy why he didn't go on green. His answer was that he's color blind and can't tell green from red. He figured for his first run down the track he would let me go first and he would then know which light to look for on his second run.