Worried about my son

Hey 65Vart

My son who is now 33 years was diagnosed with autistism when he was three also. We have been thru many trials and tribulations. We have “BEEN THERE DONE THAT”, and I do mean “WE” because without my wife I would be lost. She is currently the special needs advocate for Marine Corps Base Quantico. I think we can come up with some suggestions and solutions. I ask but two things right now,

1. Stay together as team (you and your wife)
2. Take time away from caring for your son as a couple (Date Night) REAL IMPORTANT.

Feel free to email me at [email protected] and I’ll send you my cell phone number. I will also put you in touch with my wife and all her recourses that are at her disposal. You and your wife are NOT ALONE, and yes there is light at the end of the tunnel.
