Worried about my son

Hey 65, I been there.. My son has whats called Fragile X. It is in many ways similer to autisum.. He is 14 now and we have struggled with his eating habits from birth. Its not an easy thing to deal with.... We just tried all kinds of foods. We had to come to the understanding that the visual part and the texture of foods has a huge part in what he will and wont eat. Yes it sounds bad but chicken nuggets is his food of choice. On occasion he will eat a thin crust pizza from Dominos. He too just all of a sudden started not wanting things he had ate before...being patient is the key to dealing with these kinds of situation. Trial and error ..I really hope this helps. And from my experience doctors are at as much of a loss as the parents..if not more when it comes to this.Dont be affraid to try all types of foods. Like I said I hope this helps and if you need anything dont hesitate to PM me. I'll do the best I can.