Ok so lets really talk K-members here Folks

I may be going back a few pages and days with this but Joe has a point. I don't live outside of my means. Buying cars and parts with credit is over for me.
Now, my 68 Cuda is a "ten year" project (thats the way I want it) and I dont plan on ever replacing the K. I'm in the prosess of cleaning it all up. It's got a swapped 440 on a SB K. I love torsion bars and Mopar Performance makes pairs for your application. I have made mention of CAP in a few of my past posts but I've heard horror stories and was veered away. If I were to be looking to go 8.50 down the 1/4, I would purchase an Alterkation. If I wanted to make killer passes aroung the Nurburgring, I'd buy an Alterkation. If I wanted to build a Mopar Showcar for Hot Import Nights I'd buy a MagnumForce. From what I have learned in discussions with Mopar fans is Alterkation from RMS is the way to go.

If you really want to be different and save some coin talk to your local chassis shop or welder. There is no middleman.

The only way for us to get these tubular k frames at a "cheap", "mass-produced" way is to sell the idea to China, Japan or India and have them make them for us (sound familiar?). Lets keep our hobby American.
I'm with you cliff,I built my own,sure wasn't cheap-lots of hours,lots of grinding,welding and LOTS of cussing.Just remember guy's,when you are doing all these great and wonderful feats.You gotta eat,you gotta have equipment,you gotta have a building,and you gotta have a better mousetrap!