Worried about my son

I know this is very stressful for ya. But the GOOD sign, to me at least, is that he is willing to drink Pediasure. My 8 yo Down's Syndrome son is fed thru a g-tube. He gets 8-9 cans of Pediasure a day. As long as he gets enough Pediasure, he'll be ok. Keep a watch on his weight, and DO get him to his doc to be sure that there isn't an underlying MEDICAL reason for his not eating. In my Benjamin's case, he developed vicious acid reflux when he was about a month old and figured out that eating = pain, so he quit eating. He would see the bottle and actually bury his face in my or mom's shoulder to avoid it. He still has not forgotten that. He CAN eat and WILL eat certain things now, just nowhere near enough to sustain himself without the g-tube feedings of Pediasure. Still praying for ya.