Coming To America: ULI

My thoughts on this were with reason. There was a guy from South America who had his Grandfather's 1929 Graham Nash. He rebuilt it and then proceeded to drive to Alaska from South America. But as he contacted a club that I belonged to (AACA) people from every region of the country stepped up and offered their home to defray lodging costs, their dinner table to defray food costs, had small events to welcome him to their town, had media coverage, and ended up touring the entire US. There were several stops for serious repairs, including one of our club members providing him with a rebuilt carb.He had one stop in Birmingham and our local AACA chapter had a nice dinner and welcoming party. Maintenance was offered all over the country, it was tons of fun! The guy and his wife became parents along the way (not originally planned) and did stay in NC for an extended time (couple of months) until the baby was good to travel and allowed spring to be in play as they didn't want to travel with the newborn in the cold. He ended up in Alaska but in his communications was very grateful to all the support along the way. The extra 3000 or so miles did not end up costing him any more than the original trip. That is why I had this idea. What an experience for Uli, but also what an experience for us. Maybe we should try to encourage an July-August time frame for Carlisle and the Nats. Anyway, I hope we can kick this around and when he comes, have some plan in place. Just my 2 cents worth. David