Coming To America: ULI

It's a kind and hospitable idea. The neat thing about this is that Uli and his frau may get to see interesting parts of the US & Canada that the average German tourist will never lay eyes on.

Let's be sensitive here. One of the German sayings I heard when I lived over there was; (translated) "You can always tell an American when you see one. You can't tell him much, but you can always tell."

I recommend that we let Uli tell us what the "gotta see"s are first and how much car related time he wants to spend. Once we know that, those in destination sites and points en-route can offer suggestions and assistance that might be appreciated.

Let's also find out what Uli's wife is interested in seeing or doing. Maybe she's not fond of salvage yards but a day at an outlet mall or a spa might be just the thing.

Ok, Uli. It's your vacation, there are folks interested in making things happen for you. It's your turn.