Ok so lets really talk K-members here Folks

Not quite:

The classic economic model assumes two things that do not apply here. First, is that one is dealing with a normal good. Two, is perfect elasticity of demand.

  1. An A-body tubular front end is not a normal good. If it were possible to produce an unlimited supply of a first rate product at, for example, $250 each, not everyone can use one. Therefore, a lot will go unsold regardless of the price.
  2. If the price were to go to $50,000 per copy there are people who can and will pay the price, particularly if it involves the difference between winning, losing, or proving a point. This is not perfectly elastic demand in the classic sense.

Thank you. I knew the somehow that law didn't apply 100% here. Couldn't remember my Econ class stuff. There is sort of a market saturation point so to speak.

Just like that case were Johnparts' company had the viper rear end upgrade kit for $5995. If it were $2000 there would be only so many buyers. Heck even it it were $100 there wouldn't be too many buyer, just because what is involved with automatic associated costs of installing one.