Worried about my son

Our little guy Nic is 5 and a real picky eater. Still. And the best thing I think you can do is let him pick his foods. Dont worry about nutrition for now,just establish a good routine. Feed him at the same time every day,get him some fresh air before a meal. It should increasse his appetite if you take him to a park and let him sled for an hour before lunch.

We tend to place fruit trays on the table and let him pick waht he wants.

And we also make sure he gets a favorite dish for supper on a regular basis. Not every day or even every week,but it can be used as a bribe. IE;Finish your lunch and we'll make pizza for supper..

Also make sure his teeth are not hurting due to teething issues. A real turn off to chewing if your teeth are sore. Can make soft foods a priority if this seems to be a problem. Anbesol etc will help too. We use it on our pup who is getting adult teeth right now.

Believe it or not,regular tooth brushing can help a picky appetite too.