Ok so lets really talk K-members here Folks

First of all, this is a free market system if the price of the alterkation was too high, mr reilly would be out of business, seems like he is doing ok, through a recesion, just saying.

Johns parts, you the consumer don't like what is going on, you think you can build a better mouse trap, for cheaper. Good, thats how the system works, just don't find out the hard way that is that price for a reason, all though I doubt it.

USCG Charger, what you spouted off where principles and not laws, do you know the difference college boy? That fact that you said you have a MBA is pompous and arbitrary, I bet you took Micro and Macro economics and thats it, if you tell me you understood them you are flat lying. You are not an economist and even if you were it wouldn't matter, economics is like politics and philosophy, no right answer just a ton of opinions on interpretation. ENOUGH TALK OF ECONOMICS, ITS GAY TO DO THAT ON A CAR FORUM. The market will decide if his price is too high.

But why all the fuss to get a tubular K member, I mean really, WTF? I don't know why some guys get caught up on thinking they need stuff that doesn't really matter. People successfully raced these cars with torsion bars, once again WTF? And dont ask the guy that bought one he is not going to admit how stupid of a purchase it was, he is 5 grand into the deal. Do you think there aren't days when he says," oh yea 5 grand it was totally worth it, my bills can wait". I mean if you got money to blow then do it, but for an average guy making average money, its just stupid.
That's my point if this was affordable more people could reap the benefits of having a more modern front end. When was the last timesomeone switched to leaf spring rears from a 4 link yet guy swap out their leaves for links everyday