A..hole neighbors

Well, we have Mr. Bill, a sweetheart of a neighbor who just loves Nella. Trouble is, he's retired. We lost power from a tree falling on a power line and then on to a chain link fence over the summer, and waited all weekend for Edison to come. That was too long for Mr. Bill and he was in a frenzy by the time they got there. He was just about as irritating as could be, and finally the lead man on the power crew had enough and it almost ended in fisticuffs. He just doesn't know when to quit, and since he's retired, has has nothing better to do than come over and hang out and "help". I was removing the rear window in the Dart Sport for a customer on the coldest day of 2010, and he came over to "help". He wanted to just push the window out from the inside before I had a chance to even cut the seal, even after I told him 10X not to push on it at all. I could see glass cracking and my customer really needed it!!! He's a super nice guy, just has too much time on his hands!! He needs a job!!! Geof