Steering Wheel Removal

did mine yesterday on 72 dart. just like your wheel

the hard part is getting the center cap off without loosing the tabs. you're past that. take out the 3 screws that hold the horn buttoms on, after unplug the horn wire. it just un plugs. this gives you access to the bare steering wheel
take off the large nut, use a puller by using the two screw holes located next to the large nut you took off. they go in about 1/3 inch. this holds the bottom of the puller. rest is easy. point here! place the large nut back on and turn it a few turns but not all the way back on. this will help you if the threads get monkeyed up from the pull. also!! get a sharpie and mark the correct position of the shaft with a line or arrow in case you move something and this will let you replace the wheel straight etc. i have pics of the parts, send me your email and ill send you the pics of the wheel and the parts so you can see what you are taking off. not scary or nothing. very easy. just don't take anything apart you dont have to.