A..hole neighbors

Not a neighbor but an ol friend :toothy10:, retired, and diabetic lives in a retirement housing and calls me daily wanting to know what I am doing all the time, I do invite him over for a game of domino's or a game of pool so he can get out, courses bad, talks bad about everything and most people, I have known him over 30 years
he has no friends and I wish he did so he would leave me alone :toothy10:
I look at it like therapy 8) If I can put up with him for a couple hours I can put up with anyone. and he wakes me up in the mornings with a hello and silly talk and I just hang up on him... Then a call back laughing saying did I wake you up :angry7:
Yea he can make my days go negative real fast and I just forget about it till the next day, The things we do to make people happy, This may be the year I just tell him I need a change in my life and his toilet mouth and negative out look don't need to be in my life
But some times I think it is a test from god for me to be a friend to the old fart.