A..hole neighbors

i had a neibhour years back, he was on medication, out on licence,i keep myself to myself,had comments and usual jibes but thats water off a ducks back,came close to it one day when i started my old ford sierra< saloon.>the back of car was facing his place, he came out bawling saying i was trying to gas him, that blew over,few weeks later he was abusing a visitor bad,i lost it:snakeman: got hold of him and bounced him over the front of his car :eye: <id had several years of his crap> anyhow he wandered off threatening to call the police,i went in my home and explained to the girlfriend at time and not to say she heard/saw anything.soon enough the cops turned up at his place,i braced myself for outcome, they were in his home for 5 minuits,got back into car and drove off:cheers: i think they worked out he wasnt right :la: and that was that! i always try and get on with everyone but some people just dont know when to give it up!