Wahooo...it's finally here!!!

Yes Dartt, by all means see if he has anything. I'd really like to talk to somebody who knows if the floor can be dropped and how to go about doing it. This van has a full frame right behind the side door stepup!! I know one thing I need for sure is the rear wheel flares from a Street Van. The items I'm getting from e38valiant are for the front only. The back of his van is rusted out around the wheel wells and the flares are long gone. I'd also like to have a couple of "Street Van" emblems, but I hear they are rare and hard to find, especially the metal ones!!! Thanks for looking out for us bro, it's gonna be great to have a little piece of everybody here to include in the project. We want to make you all proud, so you can brag about being a part of the coolest van project going!!! (maybe the only one too!!!LOL!!!) Geof