A..hole neighbors

There is a young couple next door to me. I like them but.........
They are noisy. They fight, they bang, whatever. If there is a noise that can be made, they make it. They stay up all night on weekends partying with friends who show up in imports with fart pipes. They have 3 yipping dogs that I hate, and did I mention they fight. This morning at 5 am they are fighting, screaming at each other and he's out side kicking the door. She's inside screaming at him and of course the dogs are carrying on. He decides to leave and fires up his truck with the fart pipe, she come out screaming and now I gotta listen to them, the dogs and now the fart pipe.
I went to Walmart today and bought an air horn. They got to work Monday morning and I don't, guess what I'll be doing at 3 am Monday.